Bus Excursion

Tour as part  of a group

Tour as part of a group

Duration: 3 hours


According to TripAdvisor it is worth visiting Russia only because
of this museum. In 2014 and2016 it was chosen as the best museum in Europe and the third best in the world, occupying theninth place among the most visited museums.
It was established in 1764 when Catherine the Great bought an art collection from the Germanmerchant Ernest Gotzkowski. Shortly after the shopping spree began. Russian emissaries collectedthe b
est works for the Empress. The heirs of Catherine the Great continued to buy the works of artand the collection grew more.
Currently the Hermitage has more than 3 million art objects exhibited in 5 buildings. If a visitorstops and admires a work for a minute, it will take 10 years to see the entire collection. Impressive,isn't it? In order not to get lost in this immense temple of art, we invite you to visit the Hermitagewith our professional guide who will show you the most outstanding masterpieces. You will enjoythe beauty of the works of Raphael, Leonardo Da Vinci, Titian, Giorgione, El Greco, Murillo,Rembrandt, van Dyck and many others.

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